In trembling and fear,
My sober soul like a sheep,
Through the dark, nothing in sight can spare,
My thoughts like a cargo is shipped,
The obstacles on the way ever ready to clear,
Again my thoughts shipped, wheeled and spilled,
Down through the depth of my spirit,
That awaits underneath aspiens,
Every sound of the dark in this forest,
Does nothing but reads a meaning to.
In sleep, I feel the cruelty that abounds in the jungle,
I awake to the reality of how hard hard it is to juggle,
Juggle through the ups and downs in the forest,
But in a weak spirit thinks the end would fumble.
Yes, my sober soul,
The obstacles on the way, longed to clear.
But what is of a soul that aspires so much if the spirit is weak?
What is of a soul that expects much if the dark ceases to flee?
I’ve had expectations in life that should fetch me happiness,
But bitterness each day, the tongue of my soul tastes,
I have thrived by all means to see what becomes of the strength,
Might and power the dark holds in the end,
But I’m made a fish of myself by it’s arrogance.
A fish without fins to swim,
Meant to drown in the rivers of suffering, pain and shame!
No longer can my spirit take this, for weakness and defeat it has accepted.
My soul rises in search of the golden waters even in the dark,
And finally, the hope of a new dawn is here.
The scourges and tastes of bitterness is quenched,
Quenched by the sweet and delicious taste of strength,
Reaffirmation, consciousness and prowess,
My soul is determined to see what becomes of the dark,
Patience and endurance patting it on the shoulders,
Nodding their heads in affirmation,
Affirmation and confirmation that the game would soon be mine.
Like wheels clogged, slowly, the dark begins to fade,
The awful and wearisome sounds often made,
Begin to sail away,
And then the sounds that bring hope,
A bright future, the evidences
Of what my expectations in life should be,
All of these I see in limelight,
My weak spirit in a bid to survive has awoken,
Awoken and seen the result that the end of the dark has brought,
True to my expectations,
The Night has been turned to Day!